You can contact me via the form below, by email or via my social media sites.
I am available for commissions, please email me directly with your project details, including any potential copyright requirements and location. 
For personal portraits - Please click here.

 Band/Gig photos
I have limited availability that I'd like to offer to bands just starting out, this can be gig photography or a band shoot, please fill in the form below with information as to where you are, your social media accounts, where the gig is taking place and your budget. Don't worry if your budget is very small, reach out anyway, you won't know til you try. 
If you have seen one of my ongoing projects and would like to be involved, please contact me, there is no charge for working on one of my social documentary projects, but involvement will be based on suitability for the project. Please email me to find out more. 
For general queries:
Thank you!
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